30 weeks - 2011
30 weeks - 2009
This week was a true test of our strength!  
Early in the week, I felt like I had a bladder infection and Olivia suddenly became very lethargic, feverish and incredibly sick.  I hauled us in on Tuesday to only to be told it was "pregnancy" causing my discomfort and Olivia's clinical diagnosis was Fifths Disease.  The doc (not our family doctor) came into the room and said this disease could negatively impact my unborn babe, in his words " If you have not had it, there is nothing you can do to treat or prevent getting it - but your baby would die".  During the information, he failed to explain the chances or how RARE this actually was.  So, of course, I rushed home in tears, lump in my stomach and scared the hell out of Rob.  We discussed our options and started doing some research, called my mom and after a short time we decided the doc was inappropriate and way out of line.  Needless to say, we have decided against settling for a different doctor and will always see our primary, who knows us. The way he handled this situation was overwhelming, concerning and simply surreal.  I did make a follow up call to him on Wednesday to express my concerns about his approach - which is very unlike me, but I just couldn't believe the way it was handled.

Thursday, I was still not feeling all that well so I tried to take it easy and late in the afternoon I noticed some changes in my body and called the clinic.  Because of my 3 hour labor and delivery with Olivia, they advised me to get into Labor and Delivery quickly.  My mom rushed over to take care of our little lady while Rob and I headed into the hospital.  
Once we were all hooked up to the monitors the nurse asked how I was feeling..... I didn't feel much other than being hot and slightly concerned.  Then she said it, "Well, you are contracting about one minute apart" - OMG.  The last time I heard that, I was holding a baby within an hour or two.  I burst into tears and was, once again, overwhelmed with emotions.   In addition, I was dilated to a one so they did a couple of tests; a "prediction" test (fetal fibronectin) see if I'd be having the little one within two weeks, took a urine sample and ended up giving me a shot to stop the contractions.
The prediction test came back negative (THANK GOD), the shot stopped the contractions and the urine test proved that I did actually have a bladder infection.  
After a couple of hours of watching our baby's heartbeat and seeing obvious spikes from the contraction monitor, we were sent home. I was exhausted and got an incredibly deep sleep that night!
Friday we took it easy, Olivia was still running a 102 temp, mama was achy, tired and had been slapped with allergies. What terrible timing!  
On Saturday, I took on another role; wedding photographer.  I had accepted this job earlier this year, against Rob's wishes - because I was 30 weeks along.  If you didn't know, I tend to think I am a robot and can physically do everything.   
Rob and Marie are always telling me to take it easy, I guess I am starting to realize they only have my best interest in mind, rather than it being a handicap.  

Sunday I attempted to relax, but had a couple of morning visitors and then attended a baby shower for my pregnancy buddy Amy.  She is due 5.31 ( just 6 days after us).  It was a great celebration and I was so very pleased with the amount of support and friendships she's got while heading into motherhood!  
I got a little inspiration at the shower, after talking to another mommy.... We talked about potty training and of course I started asking questions.  She was a fountain of knowledge and her daughter's current training signs were spot on with 
my little gals actions.  
So, I asked tons of questions and when I got home, discussed it with daddy. We agree that Miss Olivia is in deed ready for a little potty training attempt.  Now, we are not expecting this to be perfect and certainly not expecting her to be nap and bedtime trained, but we are giving it one week to see if she can "pull it off".  
Monday - Day One: wearing only a dress, no undies/diap.  4 floor accidents, 1 potty chair and 2 toilet successes!  NO POOPS - we think she might be holding it...? 
Tuesday - Day Two: wearing only a dress, no undies/diap.  First morning pee - success in the the toilet!  She's been sitting on the potty chair on and off all morning, one success in the potty chair, two in the toilet and no floor accidents (yet)!   YIPPE!

(I'll keep this list going check back to see her progress) 

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