On Saturday we headed to Shakopee to  see my favorite grandma
Check out the photo of all 4 generations!   

I just adore grandma Barry and am grateful for the opportunity to spend time with her.  Some would say it is unfortunate that she had been diagnosed with Azheimer's but I feel lucky that we are able to become great friends every few minutes.  
She is quite the talker and loves to tell wild stories!  I always watch her and wait for her to start tracing her thumb nail or making a little square on her knee.  
They are silly little quarks, but I so enjoy catching her!
I think the BEST part of visiting is holding her soft hands while we take walks.  
After visiting for a while, we headed over to the Barry family farm.  This farm is where my Grandparent's raised all there lovely children and is still in the family, run by my favorite "burping" uncle Don.  

Uncle Don has a history of sneaking up behind me and letting out a giant roar to make me giggle!  This year I had a little trick up my sleeve and brought a little noise maker that had a "burp" button!  
When I felt the time was right I found him and asked if he would mind holding Olivia for a quick photo.  I handed her off and grabbed my camera.  I quickly pushed the burp button and snapped a photo!  Priceless!

He was so entertained by it that he kept the noise maker and found it HILARIOUS to continue pushing it while we took other family photos through out the day! 
Check out the photos of all my aunts and uncles
Here is a photo of my grandparents children, grandchildren and great grandchildren that were at the reunion.  There are a lot of people pictured but we certainly missed all those who were unable to attend.
My grandma has 8 children, 23 grandchildren and, I believe, 26 great grandchildren!  

'Serious' uncle Mike
Silly aunt Joanie
My godfather and uncle Alan
Daring aunt Sue
It was a great day for a long walk in the creek, viewing cows, lots of jokes and I even got a pretty neckless from my aunt! 

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