On Saturday we spent a few hours shopping at Creative Kids Stuff and Dick's sporting goods.  I needed to pick up some gloves for my kickboxing class that I am starting Monday night!  I am just so excited!! When we were at Creative Kids Stuff Rob found one of those little "trick" ice cream guns.  This is something that you pretend you are going to have someone lick and then push the little button and the scoop of ice cream pops off and hits your victim in the face.  Well, guess WHO was the victim?  ME.  The ice cream bonked me right in the nose and Mr. Funny laughed his butt off!  Actually, the store manager happened to see what he had done and asked if we needed to fill out an accident report!  It didn't hurt or even startle me, however, Rob is still laughing about it. This is totally something Bob would do and we just had to share the story when we were visiting Saturday evening!  I haven't seen Bob smile so long for a really long time!  He laughed and gave me a little punch like the old days! He was giving us hugs and just loved holding Olivia's hands and rubbing her little feet.  Unfortunately, she was a little tired from our day and was unable to spend much time in the room without letting loud yelps, so Rob and I took turns taking her out of the room. I have to say he was in the best mood yet and it was so great to see him laughing at our silly stories!  We just had to inform him that Brett Favre is now a Viking and what drama that has been.  He repeated the word drama back to me and smiled.  We are so HAPPY Bob is showing positive signs and we are excited for our next visit!

9/15/2009 01:59:47 am

Cute story and love that he's getting better!!!


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