Here is the report... This week started off with a kickboxing class for mommy followed by a much needed and deserved massage!  Good lord, a kickboxing class really should be called Kickin' your tubby but in gear class!  I never could have imagined how tough it really was!  In the class, we were broken into two groups.  The first group lined up in front of a wall of mirrors and started the "warm-up" and the second group lined up behind them.  As I was watching others in my class, I realized that I was by far the least muscular, the shortest and the palest of them all!  I was trying very hard to get down the kicks and jab punches but it was cracking me up as I watched myself do this routine with my very uncoordinated and noodle-like arms! 

We visited grandpa at the hospital several times this week and he was doing well!  On our Thursday visit Rob spent about an hour in the room as Olivia and I waited a family room.  Once Rob was done visiting I headed in for my turn.  I put on the gown and gloves, that help keep everyone's germs to a minimum, and walked in.  I shouted out, "Bob, I'm here for your surgery" and he looked at me with his GIANT eyes.  Once he figured out it was me he puckered up his lips and pretended to blow kisses at me!  What a classic move!  I just enjoy talking to him and telling him my funny jokes!  I shared a few with him but he didn't even chuckle so I asked him if he was tired or if I just wasn't being funny.... He started laughing and have me a very tight hug.  He is the same old Bob but is just temporarily in a sick body.  He needs lots of love and prayers so please remember to include him in yours too!
Grandpa (my dad) loving Livi!
We see you, you little cutie!
Olivia spent lots of time with grandparents this weekend! On Saturday, Grandpa and Grandma Lindenfelser came to our house for a visit!  Olivia just loved them up and showed off her gummy smile the whole time!
That evening, Olivia went to Grandma and Grandpa Flanary's for her overnight visit!  She did very well and is requested to do it more often.  My mom is such an AWESOME grandma and we obviously adore her.  She has been such a great support person for us, as new parents, and we just couldn't ask for a lovelier person in our lives.

This past weekend we spent with friends for a 30 birthday party. This is his second year being 30 and we had more fun than last year!  We were surrounded by lots of entertainment at the New Brighton Legion.  Who could have imagined a couple guys from Chicago could have entertained us all so much!  : ) 

This week my dear friend Hillary is heading back to MPLS.  We are really excited to spend some quality time with her and laugh our heads off, as usual!
Also, this upcoming weekend we are heading to a friends cabin in Alexandria, MN.  There will be several other couples, and singles, going to party it up.  Most of the couples going are new parents, like us, and have kids 6 months old and younger.  So, all the wives and girlfriends have been coordinating who is bringing what, what we will be doing and of course, we are all VERY excited to have a mini vacation together.

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