Tuesday (6 am) Rob took off on another business trip, this time to Buffalo, NY.  As you may recall, the winds were terrible in the surrounding states and he certainly experienced an interesting flight.  One woman had her throw up bag in hand, while another yelped "Oh MY God" each time the plane dipped.  He was very very excited to get back on the ground but did spend a little extra time in Detroit after missing his connecting flight to Buffalo.  I was very happy to hear he made it and was praying for the weather to settle before his return to MSP.  

While our love was gone, little miss Olivia loo-hoo and I took advantage of some girlie time - SHOPPING!  I often find myself buying her clothing that fits "now" rather than going a little big and fitting for a while.  So, I got her some really cute 24 month stuff that is intended to last for a few months, anyway.  Rob and I have realized that we never really cleaned out her armoire, drawers or closet and still have 9 and 12 month clothes taking up space.  It was bittersweet packing those items up.

Thursday, we planned to pick up daddy about 8 pm.  But, first, we met my mom at the Olive Garden for a little carb filled dinner and ate our hearts out.  I hate to brag, but my mom is just the most wonderful woman.  She lights up each time a grandchild walks into the room and has love spewing from her ears.  All grandparents love their g. children - but I find my mother taking this pride to a whole new level.  

Friday, we invited Grandma T. and my Dad & step-mom to our place for another year of pumpkin carving.  This year, we had delicious Papa Murphy's pizza's, lots of giggles and great news!  After dinner, we changed Olivia into her "pumpkin carving shirt and had her bring two little pumpkins to the grandparents.  They didn't catch onto our little pumpkin surprise for about 35 minutes - maybe longer..... but when we told them to look at Olivia's shirt, my dad yelled out, "ARE YOU PREGNANT?!"  YES!!!!   That's right, we are expecting another baby!  We couldn't be happier or luckier! 
Fortunately, Rob and I just have to talk about babies to make them happen.  On our anniversary cruise, we talked and the  plan was to try in August, when we got pregnant with our little darling 2 years ago, and well... there is simply no planning required with us - August it was!  We are due 5/25/11 - just one week before our lady will turn 2.  2 under 2, OMG.
Another interesting fact about this, is I will have been pregnant for about a 1/2 year from 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.  Seems so odd to say but here we go again!

We found out early September and went in for our first ultra sound.  Then, he/she was only visibly a little bag of water.  3 weeks later, we went in for another u/s and found ourselves seeing a very tiny heartbeat, cute little leg and arm buds and a huge head.  I didn't think I would be so emotional at our second visit, but once I saw the little heartbeat, I broke down into tears and felt absolutely overjoyed!  I completely forgot about the feelings associated with early pregnancy and they all rushed back, with a quick glance. 

So... Names!  We have pre-planned our names (since we debated them for about 9 months, last time) and are set for this one.  Should it be another little lady, we are going with M.J.T or a little guy G.H.T.    Let the guessing begin!

Rob is convinced, so far that we will be blessed with more tutu's and frill, but I am not so sure.  I have been feeling pretty good, no over the toilet experiences, this time.... SO I have a little reservation that the outcome will be the same....  
Either one, of course, will be another amazing addition and we look forward to another upcoming appt. on 11.10.10.
If you look closely at the first image above, you may notice something that appears to be "boy parts"!!!!  I was really hoping this was a glimpse into our future, but apparently, those specifics couldn't possibly be visible at the 8 week 5 day stage.  The "part" is actually just the curvature of our little baby's spine, as you can see in image two.    So, for now, we will settle with the unknown.
Saturday, Kathy and I headed out with some of the Theisen Gals for a day trip which included shopping, chocolates, coffee, drinks and a wonderful time in Stillwater.  I found myself a really cute new wool jacket in a shop called Local Color and can't wait until it gets colder out.  We took a cave tour before dinner then ate at Luna Rosa.  It was a nice Italian experience, but not a place I'd necessarily head back to.  It was really nice getting to know these ladies and expand some of my knowledge about the Theisen Family, in general.  I look forward to another trip next year.  

And finally, we did our first ever trick or treating with our little kangaroo, grandma Flanary, Uncle Mike and Cousin Isabel.  We stopped over at Grandpa Bob's twin sister's place  (Bobby) who was waiting for Olivia and gave her some yummy animal crackers and teddy grahams.  We then headed around Golden Valley and really had a great time!  Olivia marched up to each door, yelled out "HI" and "Bye Bye" - even a few "thaant -uuuuu's" after treats were dropped in her bag.  You'll have to hit up the montage page for all the cute photos!


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