14 weeks....LEMON!   It's about that time and I am slightly disappointed in the lack of my baby bump!  I'm sure by the 14th week with my Miss Olivia pregnancy I starting to "show" but not with this little turkey!  I've been buying cute momma shirts, in anticipation, and hope after the gender detection ultrasound, next Monday, I will start having a growth spurt.  Rob and I are getting very excited and can't wait to start teaching our Olivia about her new baby brother or sister!  Any guesses????  
Each time we ask her what the baby is boy or girl, she says "guuurl".... (but it isn't really up to her : )  I can't wait to put a name to him/her and hopefully our little lady will have mastered the name by May.  

In other pregnancy news: I am craving water and popsicles like crazy!  I likely drink 2  gallons per day and would eat box of 24 in a week but Rob limits me by making me feel guilty....  so I will have to think about switching to sugar-free ones soon!  
Oh, and on a VERY exciting note, I have been feeling light flutters and tension in my belly, over the last week.  About dinner time and bed time I am starting to get the sense of sweet little movements and I have to believe this is the beginning of another active baby.  I am not 100% convinced only because I didn't feel Miss Olivia moving until about 18 weeks.... but it isn't gas or anything comparable...  Anyone know if this is even possible at 14 weeks?

Hopefully, I will have some belly photos soon....   

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