This week flew by, like all the rest, and we managed to pack everything in.  Saturday morning started off great for me, with my much desired one hour massage!  This one was well overdue - my mom gave me a gift card to Simonson's for my first pre-Mother's Day 2009!  
After an hour of pure bliss, I headed to a few Maple Grove shops searching for this years home holiday decor.  I found some really neat faux flowers and plan to create my own wreaths and arrangements.   Eeks!
At 3:00 we were in Chanhassen for a couple of in-studio family sessions I booked earlier this week.  Let me just say one year olds are very quick and, honestly, I was really worried about the quality and number of decent shots I was going to get. The little girl was so cute, but very very active! My second session was with a little 4 month old beauty, who was super needy and un-cooperative.  While I love taking photos of kids, infants are not my pick.  I think I will keep dedicating my time to the toddler+ ages, because of the action/candid shots I can capture. Plus.... posing and propping a little baby under fully lit soft boxes managed to make me very sweaty!  After rolling all over the studio floors, Rob Olivia and I headed to Outback Steakhouse for a delicious dinner and gluten-free desert!  Thank goodness we got home before the rainy cold weather kicked in!

Sunday, we woke up to an icy mess but did head to church for our Family Tradition group.  My mom joined us for the class and we had a nice time talking and discussing the traditions we have in our individual families and ones we will  make for our growing Theisen family.   Here are some that we came up with and ones Rob and I plan to share with our loves: 
Rob's Family:  Christmas Football games at Grandma's house, Kathy making delicious cookies, Rob & brothers begging to open gifts on Christmas Eve, making annual ornaments. 
My Family:  Annual cookie bakes, family gatherings (lots of them) and big dinners, card games and wine!
OUR family: we are going to continue with the cookie bakes, make or get one new ornament for our kids each year, continue volunteering or donating gifts to charity, chop down our Christmas tree!  I've been looking at the different types, and if anyone has suggestions for the least messy - please let me know!  Oh, and let's not forget the WINE!!!! (starting back up in 2011!) 
Sunday afternoon, Olivia and I did some early Christmas shopping and celebrated Miss Madeline's first birthday party!  She is one of the cutest little ladies around and we are lucky to have such great friends just down the road from us!

Here is to a great week, Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels!


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