So each morning, I shower, blow dry my locks and put on a little make-up.  I have realized Olivia's interest but didn't assume that she was able to mimmic my exact actions.  So, last night I walk into the bathroom and catch her putting mascara on her lashes.  OMG!  TOO CUTE!  I startled her a bit and she dropped the tube and applicator brush very quickly.  I didn't want her to feel ashamed or alarmed so I gave her a huge hug and told her it was okay.  I love that she's exploring, but dada and I agree that she's just a little young for Cover Girl products!  And, I am glad that I found her so quickly, or I fear she would have looked much more made up than this!   
Check out her mini makeover!
marie flanary
11/5/2010 11:18:37 pm

That's how grandma puts on her mascara,too!


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