I knew it, I knew it!  : )   I am SO SUPER DUPER EXCITED to announce we are having a baby boy!  
We have been incredibly lucky with Miss. Olivia and the perfect balance to our family will include a little handsome son!  
In just a few hours, we've been teaching Olivia "BOY" and she spews it out as "boo", which is perfectly fine by me!   We went for our 3D/4D experience last night and "boy" was that fun!  Not only was it obvious what we were having, but we got to see him squirming around, holding on to the umbilical cord, crossing his little legs and perfect little toes, OH,  and like a decent little guy, covering his boy parts!  : ) 
Both Rob and I were just beaming with pride as we walked out and did I mention EXCITED!!!!!!
I guess the only negative to this 3D experience was that I had the hardest time falling asleep after seeing how much of an impact my movements really do make on our growing little buddy.  A simple switch from side to side, a cough or laugh totally threw him off and he had to wiggle and cuddle back into his comfy spot - kinda like he was hugging me!  He was pretty low-key and so very sweet I just hate to know I disturb him.   On another note.... I had been contemplating whether I've been feeling him moving around and that was confirmed too!  Each time I saw him moving on the screen, I felt him!  So now, I can be sure of what I thought I was feeling!  SO AMAZING... I smile just thinking and anticipating movements from him!   
I feel so incredibly lucky having a sweet little girl and handsome little boy on the way but more importantly a husband that truly loves all of us!  May 25th can't come soon enough!


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