Monday, Hillary, Destiny and I headed to a fabulous nail salon in Golden Valley for some much needed pampering.  We each elected the luxury pedi's and boy did that feel AMAZING!  Hill and I treated ourselves to a manicure as well.  We all agree that we need to set a little more time aside and do this at least monthly.  D and I think weekly, but that's simply wishful thinking!  

Anyhow, we had a lovely time, as usual and even treated ourselves to a tasty Orange Julius on the the way out.  If you didn't know, that is my very favorite treat!  

I think this Friday or Saturday we are planning on doing both of the gal's birthday dinners, too.  D hit the big 30 on 10.22.10, and Hill turned 28 on the 27th.    I just love these gals and look forward to as much time with them as possible!  If you didn't know, for a while each of them lived in different states (AK and SD), which was very sad and we started talking that they will both be in MN when our newest little one arrives this May.  THANK GOD for special girl friends!

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