Oh, Bob.....Each day, every day, we miss you.  
You were the goofball that lightened the mood, the fighter who always voiced your thoughts and the man who always took care of our family.  Just two years ago, we were celebrating your 70th birthday, surprising you with the news of our little baby, who was "on the way".  You cried happy tears that night and it makes us so very sad not to tell you, in person, the news of our newest little one "on the way".  Rob and I talk about you almost every day and I tell your little granddaughter stories every chance I get.   It still makes us sick knowing you couldn't swoop her up in your arms and give her a great big granddaddy hug, when you pleased.  We do, however, cherish the times you could hug her and kiss her!  I will never forget the wonderful father you were to Rob and thank you for bringing me into your family so quickly!  I believe the first time we met, you asked when I was going to start living with Rob and become his wife!  : )  I truly believe you are the heart and soul behind the great father and friend Rob is to us girls and couldn't have asked for a better father-in-law, than you.  I've got so many stories rolling through my head right now,  like each year you calling Rob and I on the phone in your terrific singing voice, belting out the classic "Happy Birthday Song"! Even when you were in the hospital last year, you managed to surprise us by leaving a voicemail!   You are missed dearly, treasured often and live strong in our hearts.   HUGS to you, and Happy Birthday, dad - we are celebrating your life, especially today!  

Oh, and let's not forget about Monday - your wedding anniversary!  The boys are up North hunting this weekend and are have taken an extra day off to treat Kathy to a day of bliss.  We've planned for some lovely flowers (your personal favorites) that will be delivered to her and we know you are send lots of love her way.    Keep watching over us!  xoxo   

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