Mother's Day was lovely!  I spent it with my favorite people, was showered with cards, flowers and some very relaxing time!   Olivia and daddy got me "pitty wawa's" (pretty flowers) and she stares out the window every chance she gets to tell me how "pitty" they are.  My step dad bought me red roses (fabulous treat!).  
I did about 15 loads of laundry (we'll call it nesting) and loved every minute of it.  My little lady curled up by the dryer warming herself and pretending to go ni-night each time the dyer started.  As I watched her, I recall doing the same thing at the house I grew up in - only the warm spot was a vent in our kitchen under the sink.  I watch Olivia and often miss childhood.  The creativity, love and optimism she has for everything and everybody is something I long for daily.  She is incredibly peaceful and innocent.  I only hope to adopt some of those traits back, now that she is reminding me of what is really important in life.   That is what made my Mother's day so perfect!

The last two weeks have flown by and here's what happened:
Baby and I have passed the 38 week point...
38 weeks - 2011
38 weeks - 2009 (my last photo - I delivered her a few days later!)
Just barely at 38 weeks, I started having cramps, pains and other things I do not recall with my first baby.  I couldn't sleep, eat, cry or manage - so about 2 a.m. I quickly packed a bag and Rob drove me up to labor and delivery.  I was hooked up to the monitors for about an our while the sounds of baby heartbeats filled the dark and lonely room.  For the first time, it was just the two of us, I was so tired and totally in love with the rhythmic sounds.  The nurse checked on me frequently, maybe too frequently - but she was deciding if I needed to be admitted or not.  
To be real honest, I felt safe and wanted to stay, be served ice chips and listen to my son and really feel him.   
After a little while longer, the nurse came in and told me they were discharging me simply because my cervix had not changed since I checked in.  I was so exhausted, almost wanted to beg to let me stay.  I called Rob and he came to pick me up.    It was about 4:30 and I finally got into my own bed.  7a.m. came rather quickly and I had to be ready for the daycare kids to arrive.  I still don't know how I survived the day.

The next nights to follow were easy, and Friday's (the 13th!) appointment brought some phenomenal news!    The doctor discussed with Rob and I the option of elective induction.  I have dropped a few pounds since last week - down to 26lbs of weigh gain,  dilated 2+, I'm completely thinned and the baby is at a +2 station.   With all that and the very quick delivery of miss Olivia (3 whole hours!), she recommended we go in and start the process of delivery as soon as I hit 39 weeks (if he doesn't come sooner).  So, she called the hospital and officially has us on the schedule for this Thursday 5.19.11!   All we do now is wait and give labor & delivery a call about 6:30 Thursday morning to check room availability.    2 more days, 3 more bedtimes... surreal.

The weekend - Daddy headed out right after the appointment to join his brothers and pals for fishing opener.  I was nervous to see him go and he was nervous to leave me behind.   BUT,  I was very pleased I'd have this one last weekend with my little lady.  ONE LAST WEEKEND - really?!?  I still can't believe it..... We played and hugged and hugged and played and held hands and loved each other the entire weekend!  I rush around all week taking care of things and other peoples kids that I barely have the time to hug my own lady.  While I regret it, I love it.  I love seeing her interact, I love being there when she needs a kiss, I love making her lunch and listening to her slurp her "lo lo" (cereal) milk but I miss her because I'm always called away for someone else's bumps, spats, etc.  Doing daycare has some really great perks, but being alone with my child(ren) would be a dream come true.   So, there are some big decisions and commitments that I will have to face before I can be with just my children, but I feel it in my bones that it is not that far off. 
Saturday we went to Under Water World with grandma checking out all the "pish". Olivia was pretty intimidated by the giant sea turtles but quickly realized they were stuck behind the glass. That night we spend tons of time together.... Just the two of us - playing and putting on pretties!  More importantly, taking coins from daddy's dresser and depositing it into her piggie and our little babe's "ribbit".  She was very careful, counting to six as she dropped in an equal amount into each bank.   After an hour of coin snatching, Olivia declared it was time for her baby to go to bed.  The entire time, she's mimicking daddy and my nighttime routine.  She wiped and changed her into the nighttime diaper, put on dora undies- explaining potty in the diaper was yuckie, told her to lay down (maybe too forcefully - we don't choke her :)  and then resting her her woof by her side.  
She then trotted out into the hallway only to turn around and run back to the bedside, yelling "lay down, ni-night!"  She picked up the baby, rocking her gently, kissing her head and laying her back down, one last time. 
I asked her where she was going to sleep for the night and she cautiously said, "up stairs, mama!?" OF COURSE, baby! I swooped her up and headed to my room.  She quickly squirmed out of my arms only to run back into her room and steal her woof from the baby and was ready to snuggle with me.  My gosh, the flight of stairs was something I will never forget - her arms tightly wrapped around my head, while saying, "my mama - I la you too"!  At that very moment, I was the happiest I've EVER been!  She nearly choked me to death as we crawled into bed, arms now around my neck and my face forced directly into her chest.  I was breathless for several reasons!  I couldn't help but stay there until she fell asleep and regretted pulling away.   
Sunday, I woke up to a very smiley face and a tickling hand in my armpit.  "Mama, wait-up!"  "wait- up, Mama!" 
We had a lovely breakfast and headed out for some "pitty wawa's" for our window boxes, lunch and waited for daddy to come home.  Once he did, we packed up and headed to grandma's to drop the lady off for one last adult date night - before our little guy arrives.  We decided to see Bridesmaids - HILARIOUS!  I have NEVER been in a movie where the ENTIRE crowd roars with laughter, I almost (almost) peed my pants from laughing so hard, Rob giggled uncontrollably and it was exactly what we both needed!    I, with out a doubt, have to say this is the most hysterical movie I have ever seen.  Even Rob said it was one you'd have to watch a few times, it was so funny.  I have always enjoyed Kristen Wiig, but now I officially LOVE her.  : ) 

I look forward to this week, just enjoying the sun touching my skin, the tight hugs I get from from my little lady (she sits right on top of my baby belly, legs clenching around my waist and our cheeks smashed together),  the "spare time" we have as a couple and some final packing for the hospital.  I feel like I am floating on air and love knowing I'll be holding another one of our precious children before the week is over.

37 weeks - 2011
37 weeks - 2009 belly vs. little miss sunshine... Little did I know Olivia really would be our sunshine! : )
My 36 week appointment last Friday brought no NEW news.... I was only dilated to a one/50% effaced.   I was hoping they'd tell me I was dilated comfortably to a 5 and rush me off to the delivery room...  That didn't go as planned so I guess I will be officially serving this sparkling emerald his eviction notice right about now!  : ) 

Saturday, we headed to a 2 year old birthday party and Olivia had a blast... She LOVES Mickey and Minnie and was quite impressed with the decor/gifts the party offered.   When we got home she applied the Minnie tattoos and insisted that I paint "pretties" on her feet.   Rob and I both agree that fingernails shall not be painted quite yet.... Toes are cute - but that is our limit.  

Tuesday we accompanied daddy to his softball game and was that a hoot!  Olivia shouted out to him, cried as he walked out on to the field and begged, " I play be ball, too!???"   Each time she'd catch a glimpse of him, she'd yell and wave " Hi DADDY!".  I wasn't sure if it was obnoxious or not but, hell - it was her very first game and I let her react the way she needed to.  I love that Olivia wanted to play and can't wait until she is a little older to start going to our local fields for a little "practice!"  

My two other favorites from this week are: 
Olivia's sudden interest in cooking.  She's just recently started putting a sock on her hand when takes or puts anything in her little kitchen setup.   She comes up to me several times a day with a faux food asking, "a hot mama?!"  followed by "OWIE" and lots of giggles.   
Daddy watching the Chappelle Show (adult content not suitable for kids) and teaching her to repeat a goofy line that a character belts out.  While it might be slightly inappropriate - it sure is cute!  

With all the emotions filling our hearts, Rob and I are trying to take in all the quality time we can with our little lady.  In fact, on our walk to the park last night we were talking about how this addition will stir things up a bit.  I was the irrational one saying that I am nervous, he was the telling me to enjoy it as we will be old soon and wish we could go back to this stage any day.  I know he is right - I undoubtedly enjoy having a spunky little (almost 2 year old), no wrinkles, no grey hairs, full control of my bladder (well, most of the time) and wonderful family/group of friends that love us for everything we are.   To think any of that will change is surreal.

36 weeks - 2011
36 weeks - 2009
My gosh, time has flown by!  We spent this past week relaxing (when ever possible) but I did manage to get  in a photoshoot, another Twins game with my dear pal, Destiny, and a movie with my hubby!  Water for Elephants was great, but I'd have to say the book was better....  
It is that time in pregnancy and our lives that we have starting nesting and reflecting on our lives..... We have collectively determined that our years are passing us by far too quickly.  We will be welcoming our second child just before our 3rd wedding anniversary and that is incredibly amusing to me because I anxiously awaited the proposal from him (which seemed like FOR-EVERRRRRRRRRRR)!  NEVER did I think we would get all of these amazing life events packed into 3 short years.   He has been the most loving, caring and devoted family man and I one proud mommy-to-be of a little man.  I just know our little guy will turn out as spectacular as his father and grandfather!    While I'm bragging - I should mention Rob could use a little more enthusiasm when rubbing my back - I guess he's only 99% perfect  : ) 
Go Twins!
trying on "her" baby's shoes....
I love this "look", but I only see it when she is nervous. Tends to be the only look she has when entering or playing in the baby's room. What a shock this will be for all of us.
Friday,  Rob and Olivia joined me for my most recent prenatal appointment.  Everything is good, normal, on track and my gosh, I/baby had a major growth spurt, gaining another 6 lbs!   Rob was SO HAPPY when we were shocked with number, as he thinks I have not gained enough, so far.   We are assuming it is from all the "extra" water that I have been drinking and 5  pound bags of ice I eat every couple of days.  My doc insisted to eliminate all the pre-term contractions,  I needed to start drinking more H2o - she was right!  : ) 

35 weeks - 2011
35 weeks - 2009
After our a.m. appointment, we ran over to our friend's home to meet their new arrival, baby Alex.  He was so tiny - even at 10lbs!  I held him for a bit, until my arms got sore and my baby boy was kicking at him from below.   Olivia and Alex's big sister, Naomi, played the piano and giggled like old bitties until baby Alex got hungry.  We got the hint and rushed out of there, forgetting to mention we brought a gift.    Our little ones will have perfect pals in these two children - Naomi and Olivia are only 5 months apart and our little guys will be less than 2 months apart.  The best part is that, for now, we only live a half mile from them!    

We got home, rested and lounged the entire day away!  It was simply refreshing not having to work, see anyone or deal with a thing.....   We napped until nearly 4:30, when we realized we were going to be very late to Rob's brother's 40th birthday party!  EEKS!  We rushed out the door and drove into Otsego, where we met up with his family and enjoyed splashing around at the water park.  Uncle Kevin and cousin Mikenna turned out to be Olivia's new bffs; assisting her up and down the water slides and encouraging her the whole time.  Rob and I also had a blast!  It was  perfect for both of us; for a short time we got to be "kids" - worry-free without any time restrictions... And,  I felt weigh-less bobbing around in the water (bonus!).  We spent several hours in the water and really loved being with grandma, my SIL (Sheri) and BIL (Kevin) and their two cuties!   Olivia really got a kick out of our favorite Uncle Derrick and cousin Riley, but the little guy wasn't nearly as eager to use the slides as her.  So, once they took off Olivia hung with the BIG kids and had a really great time. 

Eventually, we all got cold and tired so we retired to the hotel room for some hot showers and visiting.  It got pretty late, pretty quickly and Daddy insisted it was about time to pack up about 11.... 

Saturday we did more lounging and thought about seeing Water for Elephants.  I just read the book, and it was beautiful!  We decided against going, since we had just gone to Source Code on Thursday. I may have to call up one of my gal pals this week to go see it.

That evening we gathered our gear and headed to my mom and step dad's for an egg hunt and Easter dinner.  It was a great time; seeing all my nieces and nephew.  My brother Mike or as Olivia calls him "Mack" and step brother Scott a.k.a. "Cott" were there too!  It was a very nice gathering and refreshing getting together with all of Olivia's cousins.   I just wish that I had not forgotten my camera, the egg hunt was so fun and the kids we so darn cute!

Sunday, Olivia woke up to a trail of cotton tails (mama's cotton balls) and was disgusted with the "mess" the bunny left her.  She followed the trail, picking each one up carefully exclaiming, "oh NO!" and proclaiming the bunny was very messy.  Once my very tidy lady got over the issue, she found the trails end in her little brother's room.  There, she found a perfect little basket with an Easter bunny, books, new toothbrushes and a fancy new outfit!   I am sure this is the last year the bunny will be bringing her toothbrushes : )   Daddy did record the entire event, which was SO cute - but our camcorder was set to night vision, and I have yet to learn how to convert it... : ( 

We didn't have any other obligations that day, so we bought tickets and headed to see the TWINS! What a beautiful day for the game!  We all got a little sunburnt, ate too much and were very very lucky to spend such a lovely day outside!  (Perfect way to spend some last minute time as our easy family of 3.)  We had phenomenal tickets, sitting on the 3rd base line in Row 3 and loved every minute of it!  
Wowza, 34 weeks!  Rob, Olivia and I have been taking long walks each night after work, taking advantage of all the nice weather!  It is just fantastic walking around the neighborhood meeting and running into our neighbors!  Most of them working in their yards; cleaning, seeding and raking.   I may have mentioned this in the past, but this time of year is simply refreshing and my absolute favorite!  

As for our not so little baby-to-be (approx. 5 lbs, 18 inches), he is starting lack room and tends to grind his heels into my ribs to shift around.  I am starting to feel the bone on bone grinding daily.  It is pretty clear to me that he's laying low... every time he gets the hiccups I feel them in my tush, awesome!

May I take a moment to critique the following photos (in order)..... 
First: It might be time for me to start wearing different shirts.... I have been avoiding all maternity clothes this time around, but this shirt might be pushing it..  And, in the event of inclement April weather Olivia can take shelter under the huge bump!  : ) 
Second photo: How in the world was I more tired then than now?  I clearly remember the morning we took this photo - I was trying to pose but could not stop yawning, so we just went with it.  
34 weeks- 2011
34 weeks- 2009
Today marks "40 days" to go.  We have been prepping a little each week; just bought a box of NB Huggies.  Funny, when we were at Target, there was another family buying some diapers and they were buying size 5's.  I thought, we are SO lucky - we never really got past a 3 with Olivia.  (Obviously, this comment is not to be offensive to those still buying.) 

We are also starting to receive lots of baby gifts for him!  While it is incredibly nice and I
LOVE my pals for being so generous, I was under the impression your subsequent babies didn't receive such goodies.  I guess I will have to get creative and start creating thank you cards!  : ) 

Lastly, I need your help!  I have been starting to think about having a boy and all the new things that will come up.... especially, the circumcision and after care.  I am terrified of infection, the actual process of the modification, etc.  Can anyone offer some advice about types of ointments, diapers we should have on hand?    And, if you've have a little guy, did you watch or take part in the procedure?   Our insurance will cover it to be done in the hospital or in the clinic, is there a better time?

desperate mama

We've been tracking this pregnancy with this google home page ticker. I can't believe were in the second to last box!
33 weeks - 2011
33 weeks - 2009
Now where do I begin?!! 
1. Miss Olivia has been potty training like an ALL STAR!  She's only "distracted" when playing outside, but who isn't with all this nice weather!  : )   She tells us each time she has to potty/poop and even announces "toots"!  Her newest thing; throwing up her arms cheering "I DID IT" after going.  She's also trying to pull up her own panties and pants after going, but usually yells out "a stuck" after they get hung up on her cute little baby butt.  
2. Happy birthday to one of our favorite gals, Grandma Kathy!  She came into town with her little pooch, Huntley, last weekend.  We brought her out for shrimp and lobster and celebrated with lots of hugs and chit chat. 
3. Circus time!  Olivia, Rob, I, my brother and niece Isabel visited the circus on 4.3.  It was less entertaining than I had hoped for until, Olivia was antsy trying to get out of her seat pointing and squirming around.  Rob and I were trying to keep her calm and finally, I plopped her on my lap insisting that she cool it.  Suddenly, it occurred to me what her qualm was - she had to pee and by then it was all over me too!  : )  Mike giggled, suggesting that I start carrying an extra change of pants too!  
4. Paci Free.... Monday morning (4.4) Olivia hopped out of the sack to go potty and as she was flushing, waving and saying bye bye, her paci fell out of her mouth and flushed away.  OMG!  I was giggling with excitement while her jaw dropped and the feeling of disappointment overwhelmed her.  Selfishly, I knew this was my chance to get rid of the darn thing for good!  So the following couple of naps were HORRIBLE, bed time became a  bit more challenging with lots of tears.  But, I just kept bringing her to the potty and reminding her of how it went bye bye when she flushed.  It has finally sunk in and she no longer asks for it; the "P-word".  YIPPIE!  After a week, the only difference in our routine is that she insists on going potty or poop 10 times prior to finally settling into bed.  We are certainly excited and take pride 
that gal is able to handle transitions so darn well.  A parent friend of mine has complimented me several times and proclaims we are "the best parents" for getting rid of the baby-stuff before our new baby arrives.  While it is complimentary, we'll have to see how well she does when our newest love arrives. 
5. Doctor appointment... Everything is right on track!  My little buddy is face down, I've officially hit a 20lb weight gain and we are looking forward to one last "every two-week" appt!  Let the count down BEGIN!
6.  Born To Be Wild - We met up with our favorite Erin and Mike for a 3D Imax experience over the weekend and, of course, Olivia couldn't part from Mike.  She calls him "Mack" and loves him dearly.  After the show, we filled our bellies with pasta from the Old Spaghetti Factory (gluten-free options galore!).  Then, headed back to our place for some Jenga and quality time with our dear pals.   Olivia stayed up far too late, but it was SO worth it! 

Meet G'ma's pooch, Huntley.
Naturally loves 'pretties' and her purse!
loves her daddy, especially when she's sleepy!
32 weeks - 2011
32 weeks - 2009 (WTH was I thinking?!!!)
The last 32 weeks have flown by and the last few weeks have been full of questions, in regards to contractions, labor and such.  BUT, last night I got a TRUE taste of real contractions - something I totally had forgotten about.  It was 12ish and I woke up to some very very intense cramping.  I thought it was a side ache but it was coming on strongly and almost paralyzing.  After a few, I grabbed my phone and started timing them.  Every 4 minutes on the dot.  Then about 12:45 it slowed to 8 minutes and eventually stopped all together.  Whew!  I kept thinking, "These better stop or I am in big trouble."  I have barely figured out my maternity time, have engagement sessions scheduled, have lots editing to do from recent events,  not to mention we are going to the circus on Sunday!  So, my strong little man,  you need to stay put and PLEASE quit freaking your mama and dada out! 

Miss Olivia: 
As for our lovely gal - she is still mastering potty training!  She's going in public with no issues, sitting on the potty chair/toilet at home with less hesitation and more frequently. Hooray!  
She's been putting many phrases together and learning new words every day.  My current favorites are:  
yr wecome
I fush?! (flush)
A B C D E 
one, two, thee, four, eight, yeahhhhh!
pish - fish
I eat

a moe? (I want more) 
wehr it go?  rih there!  (where did it go? Right there!) 
mama, dada, potty?
bug gil (big girl) 
tweet! (treat) 

sit/lay down to all of her babies
com on plez (come on please) 

you ready?
you okay?

Hery, Omi and Mi ma (her friends Henry, Naomi and Maya) 
I d-it ( I did it) 

rocky babe (rock a bye baby) 
cleaaam up (clean up)
uv you (love you)
rubbing of kisses yelping "YUCK!"  : ( 
ROP (Rob aka daddy)
daddy (dada is long gone!)
whe a uuuuuu? (where are you)
huck (hug)
and my favorite little manorisim - she giggles spewing out the thhhh - thhhh sound, while covering her mouth and giggling.  She is an attention getter - so cute!

Lastly, here is her new way of hiding while pooping... hey, what ever works!  : ) 

31 weeks is long gone - but here is a quick glance at the baby belly from last week... I'd have to say he is much bigger than she was - do you think the bump looks bigger in this comparison shot too?
31 weeks -2011
31 weeks - 2009
Over the last week we have been focusing on Miss. Olivia's potty training and I am SO thrilled to share that she is a natural!  The last few days of the prior week, she gained new skills; learning to poop in the the potty and each time she pees, running to the potty on her own!   We started off asking her hourly if she needed to go and mid she started resisting a bit.  Getting mad when we'd force her to sit down.  So, after some successes, we started gaining confidence in her ability and trusting that she was learning and would in fact be able to tell us when she needed to go.  So, we took her out with just panties to several public locations this weekend and each time she went potty in the public restrooms without hesitation.  I AM SO AMAZED and PROUD of my BIG gal - no more diapers!!!!     

More exciting news - SPRING is making small appearances around our home.  It is absolutely my favorite time of year.  How wonderful to have a fresh start and see new life everywhere!
30 weeks - 2011
30 weeks - 2009
This week was a true test of our strength!  
Early in the week, I felt like I had a bladder infection and Olivia suddenly became very lethargic, feverish and incredibly sick.  I hauled us in on Tuesday to only to be told it was "pregnancy" causing my discomfort and Olivia's clinical diagnosis was Fifths Disease.  The doc (not our family doctor) came into the room and said this disease could negatively impact my unborn babe, in his words " If you have not had it, there is nothing you can do to treat or prevent getting it - but your baby would die".  During the information, he failed to explain the chances or how RARE this actually was.  So, of course, I rushed home in tears, lump in my stomach and scared the hell out of Rob.  We discussed our options and started doing some research, called my mom and after a short time we decided the doc was inappropriate and way out of line.  Needless to say, we have decided against settling for a different doctor and will always see our primary, who knows us. The way he handled this situation was overwhelming, concerning and simply surreal.  I did make a follow up call to him on Wednesday to express my concerns about his approach - which is very unlike me, but I just couldn't believe the way it was handled.

Thursday, I was still not feeling all that well so I tried to take it easy and late in the afternoon I noticed some changes in my body and called the clinic.  Because of my 3 hour labor and delivery with Olivia, they advised me to get into Labor and Delivery quickly.  My mom rushed over to take care of our little lady while Rob and I headed into the hospital.  
Once we were all hooked up to the monitors the nurse asked how I was feeling..... I didn't feel much other than being hot and slightly concerned.  Then she said it, "Well, you are contracting about one minute apart" - OMG.  The last time I heard that, I was holding a baby within an hour or two.  I burst into tears and was, once again, overwhelmed with emotions.   In addition, I was dilated to a one so they did a couple of tests; a "prediction" test (fetal fibronectin) see if I'd be having the little one within two weeks, took a urine sample and ended up giving me a shot to stop the contractions.
The prediction test came back negative (THANK GOD), the shot stopped the contractions and the urine test proved that I did actually have a bladder infection.  
After a couple of hours of watching our baby's heartbeat and seeing obvious spikes from the contraction monitor, we were sent home. I was exhausted and got an incredibly deep sleep that night!
Friday we took it easy, Olivia was still running a 102 temp, mama was achy, tired and had been slapped with allergies. What terrible timing!  
On Saturday, I took on another role; wedding photographer.  I had accepted this job earlier this year, against Rob's wishes - because I was 30 weeks along.  If you didn't know, I tend to think I am a robot and can physically do everything.   
Rob and Marie are always telling me to take it easy, I guess I am starting to realize they only have my best interest in mind, rather than it being a handicap.  

Sunday I attempted to relax, but had a couple of morning visitors and then attended a baby shower for my pregnancy buddy Amy.  She is due 5.31 ( just 6 days after us).  It was a great celebration and I was so very pleased with the amount of support and friendships she's got while heading into motherhood!  
I got a little inspiration at the shower, after talking to another mommy.... We talked about potty training and of course I started asking questions.  She was a fountain of knowledge and her daughter's current training signs were spot on with 
my little gals actions.  
So, I asked tons of questions and when I got home, discussed it with daddy. We agree that Miss Olivia is in deed ready for a little potty training attempt.  Now, we are not expecting this to be perfect and certainly not expecting her to be nap and bedtime trained, but we are giving it one week to see if she can "pull it off".  
Monday - Day One: wearing only a dress, no undies/diap.  4 floor accidents, 1 potty chair and 2 toilet successes!  NO POOPS - we think she might be holding it...? 
Tuesday - Day Two: wearing only a dress, no undies/diap.  First morning pee - success in the the toilet!  She's been sitting on the potty chair on and off all morning, one success in the potty chair, two in the toilet and no floor accidents (yet)!   YIPPE!

(I'll keep this list going check back to see her progress)