Wowza, 34 weeks!  Rob, Olivia and I have been taking long walks each night after work, taking advantage of all the nice weather!  It is just fantastic walking around the neighborhood meeting and running into our neighbors!  Most of them working in their yards; cleaning, seeding and raking.   I may have mentioned this in the past, but this time of year is simply refreshing and my absolute favorite!  

As for our not so little baby-to-be (approx. 5 lbs, 18 inches), he is starting lack room and tends to grind his heels into my ribs to shift around.  I am starting to feel the bone on bone grinding daily.  It is pretty clear to me that he's laying low... every time he gets the hiccups I feel them in my tush, awesome!

May I take a moment to critique the following photos (in order)..... 
First: It might be time for me to start wearing different shirts.... I have been avoiding all maternity clothes this time around, but this shirt might be pushing it..  And, in the event of inclement April weather Olivia can take shelter under the huge bump!  : ) 
Second photo: How in the world was I more tired then than now?  I clearly remember the morning we took this photo - I was trying to pose but could not stop yawning, so we just went with it.  
34 weeks- 2011
34 weeks- 2009
Today marks "40 days" to go.  We have been prepping a little each week; just bought a box of NB Huggies.  Funny, when we were at Target, there was another family buying some diapers and they were buying size 5's.  I thought, we are SO lucky - we never really got past a 3 with Olivia.  (Obviously, this comment is not to be offensive to those still buying.) 

We are also starting to receive lots of baby gifts for him!  While it is incredibly nice and I
LOVE my pals for being so generous, I was under the impression your subsequent babies didn't receive such goodies.  I guess I will have to get creative and start creating thank you cards!  : ) 

Lastly, I need your help!  I have been starting to think about having a boy and all the new things that will come up.... especially, the circumcision and after care.  I am terrified of infection, the actual process of the modification, etc.  Can anyone offer some advice about types of ointments, diapers we should have on hand?    And, if you've have a little guy, did you watch or take part in the procedure?   Our insurance will cover it to be done in the hospital or in the clinic, is there a better time?

desperate mama

We've been tracking this pregnancy with this google home page ticker. I can't believe were in the second to last box!

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