33 weeks - 2011
33 weeks - 2009
Now where do I begin?!! 
1. Miss Olivia has been potty training like an ALL STAR!  She's only "distracted" when playing outside, but who isn't with all this nice weather!  : )   She tells us each time she has to potty/poop and even announces "toots"!  Her newest thing; throwing up her arms cheering "I DID IT" after going.  She's also trying to pull up her own panties and pants after going, but usually yells out "a stuck" after they get hung up on her cute little baby butt.  
2. Happy birthday to one of our favorite gals, Grandma Kathy!  She came into town with her little pooch, Huntley, last weekend.  We brought her out for shrimp and lobster and celebrated with lots of hugs and chit chat. 
3. Circus time!  Olivia, Rob, I, my brother and niece Isabel visited the circus on 4.3.  It was less entertaining than I had hoped for until, Olivia was antsy trying to get out of her seat pointing and squirming around.  Rob and I were trying to keep her calm and finally, I plopped her on my lap insisting that she cool it.  Suddenly, it occurred to me what her qualm was - she had to pee and by then it was all over me too!  : )  Mike giggled, suggesting that I start carrying an extra change of pants too!  
4. Paci Free.... Monday morning (4.4) Olivia hopped out of the sack to go potty and as she was flushing, waving and saying bye bye, her paci fell out of her mouth and flushed away.  OMG!  I was giggling with excitement while her jaw dropped and the feeling of disappointment overwhelmed her.  Selfishly, I knew this was my chance to get rid of the darn thing for good!  So the following couple of naps were HORRIBLE, bed time became a  bit more challenging with lots of tears.  But, I just kept bringing her to the potty and reminding her of how it went bye bye when she flushed.  It has finally sunk in and she no longer asks for it; the "P-word".  YIPPIE!  After a week, the only difference in our routine is that she insists on going potty or poop 10 times prior to finally settling into bed.  We are certainly excited and take pride 
that gal is able to handle transitions so darn well.  A parent friend of mine has complimented me several times and proclaims we are "the best parents" for getting rid of the baby-stuff before our new baby arrives.  While it is complimentary, we'll have to see how well she does when our newest love arrives. 
5. Doctor appointment... Everything is right on track!  My little buddy is face down, I've officially hit a 20lb weight gain and we are looking forward to one last "every two-week" appt!  Let the count down BEGIN!
6.  Born To Be Wild - We met up with our favorite Erin and Mike for a 3D Imax experience over the weekend and, of course, Olivia couldn't part from Mike.  She calls him "Mack" and loves him dearly.  After the show, we filled our bellies with pasta from the Old Spaghetti Factory (gluten-free options galore!).  Then, headed back to our place for some Jenga and quality time with our dear pals.   Olivia stayed up far too late, but it was SO worth it! 

Meet G'ma's pooch, Huntley.
Naturally loves 'pretties' and her purse!
loves her daddy, especially when she's sleepy!

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