Friday,  Rob and Olivia joined me for my most recent prenatal appointment.  Everything is good, normal, on track and my gosh, I/baby had a major growth spurt, gaining another 6 lbs!   Rob was SO HAPPY when we were shocked with number, as he thinks I have not gained enough, so far.   We are assuming it is from all the "extra" water that I have been drinking and 5  pound bags of ice I eat every couple of days.  My doc insisted to eliminate all the pre-term contractions,  I needed to start drinking more H2o - she was right!  : ) 

35 weeks - 2011
35 weeks - 2009
After our a.m. appointment, we ran over to our friend's home to meet their new arrival, baby Alex.  He was so tiny - even at 10lbs!  I held him for a bit, until my arms got sore and my baby boy was kicking at him from below.   Olivia and Alex's big sister, Naomi, played the piano and giggled like old bitties until baby Alex got hungry.  We got the hint and rushed out of there, forgetting to mention we brought a gift.    Our little ones will have perfect pals in these two children - Naomi and Olivia are only 5 months apart and our little guys will be less than 2 months apart.  The best part is that, for now, we only live a half mile from them!    

We got home, rested and lounged the entire day away!  It was simply refreshing not having to work, see anyone or deal with a thing.....   We napped until nearly 4:30, when we realized we were going to be very late to Rob's brother's 40th birthday party!  EEKS!  We rushed out the door and drove into Otsego, where we met up with his family and enjoyed splashing around at the water park.  Uncle Kevin and cousin Mikenna turned out to be Olivia's new bffs; assisting her up and down the water slides and encouraging her the whole time.  Rob and I also had a blast!  It was  perfect for both of us; for a short time we got to be "kids" - worry-free without any time restrictions... And,  I felt weigh-less bobbing around in the water (bonus!).  We spent several hours in the water and really loved being with grandma, my SIL (Sheri) and BIL (Kevin) and their two cuties!   Olivia really got a kick out of our favorite Uncle Derrick and cousin Riley, but the little guy wasn't nearly as eager to use the slides as her.  So, once they took off Olivia hung with the BIG kids and had a really great time. 

Eventually, we all got cold and tired so we retired to the hotel room for some hot showers and visiting.  It got pretty late, pretty quickly and Daddy insisted it was about time to pack up about 11.... 

Saturday we did more lounging and thought about seeing Water for Elephants.  I just read the book, and it was beautiful!  We decided against going, since we had just gone to Source Code on Thursday. I may have to call up one of my gal pals this week to go see it.

That evening we gathered our gear and headed to my mom and step dad's for an egg hunt and Easter dinner.  It was a great time; seeing all my nieces and nephew.  My brother Mike or as Olivia calls him "Mack" and step brother Scott a.k.a. "Cott" were there too!  It was a very nice gathering and refreshing getting together with all of Olivia's cousins.   I just wish that I had not forgotten my camera, the egg hunt was so fun and the kids we so darn cute!

Sunday, Olivia woke up to a trail of cotton tails (mama's cotton balls) and was disgusted with the "mess" the bunny left her.  She followed the trail, picking each one up carefully exclaiming, "oh NO!" and proclaiming the bunny was very messy.  Once my very tidy lady got over the issue, she found the trails end in her little brother's room.  There, she found a perfect little basket with an Easter bunny, books, new toothbrushes and a fancy new outfit!   I am sure this is the last year the bunny will be bringing her toothbrushes : )   Daddy did record the entire event, which was SO cute - but our camcorder was set to night vision, and I have yet to learn how to convert it... : ( 

We didn't have any other obligations that day, so we bought tickets and headed to see the TWINS! What a beautiful day for the game!  We all got a little sunburnt, ate too much and were very very lucky to spend such a lovely day outside!  (Perfect way to spend some last minute time as our easy family of 3.)  We had phenomenal tickets, sitting on the 3rd base line in Row 3 and loved every minute of it!  
marie flanary
4/26/2011 12:44:06 pm

I love to read your renditions of events!


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