37 weeks - 2011
37 weeks - 2009 belly vs. little miss sunshine... Little did I know Olivia really would be our sunshine! : )
My 36 week appointment last Friday brought no NEW news.... I was only dilated to a one/50% effaced.   I was hoping they'd tell me I was dilated comfortably to a 5 and rush me off to the delivery room...  That didn't go as planned so I guess I will be officially serving this sparkling emerald his eviction notice right about now!  : ) 

Saturday, we headed to a 2 year old birthday party and Olivia had a blast... She LOVES Mickey and Minnie and was quite impressed with the decor/gifts the party offered.   When we got home she applied the Minnie tattoos and insisted that I paint "pretties" on her feet.   Rob and I both agree that fingernails shall not be painted quite yet.... Toes are cute - but that is our limit.  

Tuesday we accompanied daddy to his softball game and was that a hoot!  Olivia shouted out to him, cried as he walked out on to the field and begged, " I play be ball, too!???"   Each time she'd catch a glimpse of him, she'd yell and wave " Hi DADDY!".  I wasn't sure if it was obnoxious or not but, hell - it was her very first game and I let her react the way she needed to.  I love that Olivia wanted to play and can't wait until she is a little older to start going to our local fields for a little "practice!"  

My two other favorites from this week are: 
Olivia's sudden interest in cooking.  She's just recently started putting a sock on her hand when takes or puts anything in her little kitchen setup.   She comes up to me several times a day with a faux food asking, "a hot mama?!"  followed by "OWIE" and lots of giggles.   
Daddy watching the Chappelle Show (adult content not suitable for kids) and teaching her to repeat a goofy line that a character belts out.  While it might be slightly inappropriate - it sure is cute!  

With all the emotions filling our hearts, Rob and I are trying to take in all the quality time we can with our little lady.  In fact, on our walk to the park last night we were talking about how this addition will stir things up a bit.  I was the irrational one saying that I am nervous, he was the telling me to enjoy it as we will be old soon and wish we could go back to this stage any day.  I know he is right - I undoubtedly enjoy having a spunky little (almost 2 year old), no wrinkles, no grey hairs, full control of my bladder (well, most of the time) and wonderful family/group of friends that love us for everything we are.   To think any of that will change is surreal.


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