Olivia has shown much desire to tackle walking and insists that she stand at all times.  Unfortunately, Rob and I are unable to hold her all the time as the "little princess" wishes so we went out on a hunt for something that could assist her and us!  

We started out our trip by finding saucers that bounce, which we already have, that have a few toys and she gets tired of right away.  BUT THEN, we found a ExcerSaucer that has one weighted leg and two others that roll.  When the tot sits in it, they are able to walk around in a circle and stay active.  But the best part - they CANNOT follow you around the house and risk falling down stairs and such.  Bargain! It  was only $15 at Once upon a Child!  Gosh, there are so many great deals in that place!  We also found a few fun toys and books that we rushed home to sanitize and watch Olivia play and explore in excitement. 

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