Wowza, this weekend was jammed with family, family and more family!  We spent Turkey day at my mom's where we whooped it up with Bill's family and lots of kids for Olivia to play with!  After dinner, the entire family took a nice walk around the local park.  The guys played football, the adults chatted and the kids took to the swings and slides.  It was so cold out and I tried to keep Olivia all bundled up but she insisted on wiggling her way out of her "mama swaddle" to see everyone and all the activities around us.  She turned in to Rudolph by the time we got home.

Friday we went out for some holiday shopping!  We didn't actually get going until about 3 o'clock.  It was much needed for mommy to sleep until noon, while daddy took care of Olivia.  I am still trying to recover from my kidney infection... this thing is kicking my butt!  
Anyhow, we headed out for a Western Digital 1TB 3.5"external hard drive and got one for $78!  What a deal.  The hard drive will hold something like 285,000 photos! 

That evening, we headed over to my aunt Joanie's (my mom's sister) where we had a lovely family gathering.  There were tons of friendly faces and more kids for Olivia to stare at in amazement.  My little cousin, Erin, is a real cutie and had all of us laughing!  We celebrated my mom's 55th Birthday and enjoyed a nice visit with cousins, aunts, uncles and nieces. 

Saturday, we headed to Monti for a grandpa and grandma Lindenfelser visit and we were all very tired!  Everyone had already done so much over the past few days and it was nice to just "hang out."  My dad and Karen fed Olivia an orange popsicle and, of course, she loved it!  Her second little tooth has popped in and she is enjoying all the cold things in her little mouth!  (Even without a tooth, orange popsicles are a tasty treat!)  Karen had a garden themed puzzle going and I really got into it!  I had forgotten about my secret obsession so we rushed home to clear off a table in our room and I pulled out two puzzles Rob bought me a few years ago and immediately dived in.  I am finished with the outer perimeter and some of the inner!  I am so shocked at how sore your back really gets after being hunched over for two hours!  : ) 

Sunday, Rob headed to the the Mall of America Field for some Vikings action!  He went with his brother Kevin and family-in-law.  Rob said the game was amazing and he had a blast!  Quick shout-out to Sheri, our sister-in-law... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  While they had some tailgating fun, I drug myself out of bed and headed to Coon Rapids to meet up with Olivia's cousins for a Theisen "grandkid" photo shoot.  It was nice to see the youngsters all together.  Unfortunately, one of the cousins was pretty sad and made the shoot a struggle.  I was happy that it only lasted an hour as I was feeling absolutely disgusting and feverish from my infection.  
I just couldn't pass up stopping by Jen and Jerry's to finally meet little Miss. Madeline Rose!  I washed my paws and squirted on some sanitizer to embrace the little doll.  I had completely forgotten what 8 lbs feels like!  She was so teenie tiny and I was so in love!  Why, oh why did my little girl have to grow up SO FAST?
Speaking of fast... Tomorrow is her half Birthday and I am taking her in for her 6 month shots.  

I'll post details in the evening - maybe this time I won't cry harder than her!  : ) 
Wish me luck! 

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