On Monday, while Rob's brother and wife attended a family funeral, I watched our little nephew!  He is such a darling little boy and Olivia got a real kick out of him.

Riley was a little sad to see his parents leave, as any normal kid would be, but once he saw our kid sized play vacuum he was attached!  My guess is that he has had some playtime with one already because he knew exactly how to stand it up and rest it on the wall when he needed a break.  
He worked up quite the sweat, I just wish it actually had been vacuuming the floor!  : ) 

He was such a nice boy and while Olivia sat up in her boppy pillow, he piled toys all around her to play with.  He thought it was really funny to stack them up around her and she just watched him in amazement.  Eventually, Olivia scooted down the pillow to end laying on her back.  Riley found this to be an opportunity and started running at her with the vacuum at mach speed.  I nearly died laughing when he zoomed so close but then stopped just in time to avoid a collision.  

Rob rushed home for a long lunch and was delighted to see Riley's cheery smile.  We were not sure if he could eat by himself or not so I presented him a ladybug fork and he stared at it for a moment, grabbed it and laughed.  Obviously, it was not the normal "boy" utensil but it was too funny to watch him after each bite he'd take a moment to check it out and giggle some more. 

After lunch, Rob left and we journeyed back into our playroom for tons more fun.  Riley discovered a book, The Gas We Pass, which I didn't even know we owned!  As you may know, the book displays the front and backside of an elephant.  Riley kept pointing at the front and moo-ed at it.  It was really cute, but because of his excitement, he startled Olivia into an outrageous cry.  He then looked at her with a " what the heck is your problem glare" and carried that book into our living room and put it on the couch, then picked it up and moved it to the t.v. stand, then picked it up and put it on the chair, then picked it up and brought it into the kitchen.  Moo-ing the entire way.

Once he was tired of that he headed back into the playroom and found a large toy dinosaur and out came a, "ROOOAAAAAR"... again, Olivia had a fit!  It was all in good fun but Olivia sure has never experienced someone so loud.  (Rob said he takes after Derrick, who apparently also was very loud as a kid)  : ) 

Once Riley met his quota I was able to lay him down for a short nap.  Mommy and daddy arrived shortly thereafter and swooped him up for the ride home.

It was a blast and I am grateful to have spent some quality time with our nephew.  We look forward to another visit, hopefully soon!  


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