It has become quite apparent that time sure zips on by when you have a tiny tot!  Rob and I started thinking and reflecting about all the things we have done, just over the past few weeks, and realized that time has been  slipping away from us. 

Each night we intended to clean up the yard and each night it got dark, we got hungry and over the weekends we spend time relaxing, running errands, cleaning, prepping for events,etc. 

So when grandma Flanary insisted taking Olivia out for a long stroller walk, Rob and I cleaned up the yard.  Earlier, he had taken round one on himself, so I was more than happy to assist in cleaning leaves and pulling the stalks from my gardens.  

Each spring, I find myself obsessively observant of the new buds that appear and pull Rob around to "show and tell him" about the newest sprouts.  I think after a long, dirty and wet winter I am refreshed by the signs of life.  

Each year I plant something new.  Each year, I forget about the last years and when it shows its self in the damp clearing I rave over what it could be.  To my amazement, it is always something that has reseeded its self from a different location.  Just putting this in writing makes me long for the vibrant stems of an Iris, or a rounded spud of a daffodil.....Or, my favorite, the burst of a friendly cone flower
Needless to say, I had no issues preparing my little beds for our spring-time arrivals.


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