Well, what can I say?!?!  One week already!  It has been full of emotions and I still want to keep her! 
         : ) 

The first few nights we were home (Tuesday and Wednesday) were really tough.  I had checked myself out of the hospital a day early because the air in there was so dry and my allergies were just terrible.  
I was constantly coughing and let me tell you - it is NOT something you want to do after having a baby!
So we left a bit early and it was great to get home.

The remainder of the week and weekend Rob and I were still suffering from the "cold"/"allergies", so that really kicked our butts.  I guess we are both feeling a little better today and starting to feel like we can accomplish anything.

On Saturday night we met with our photographer (from the wedding) and had Olivia photographed.  She was quite the little squirmy worm and certainly didn't appreciate us trying to take the cute naked photos.  Who would have guessed?

We will get the photos sometime this week and I will be sending announcements and posting them here. 

Yesterday (Sunday) I got out of the house for a little while and treated myself to a mani and pedicure!  Wow, did that feel great.  I tried out this new color called "Seduce Me" so now I feel sexy!   : )

Rob got to spend sometime with her while I was out and about.  He really feels sad that he has to work and can't be here every moment, like I am.  I thought it would be a great opportunity for him to spend a few hours with her and just do his thing.  He is doing an AWESOME job!  I thought I'd be nervous about leaving her but he just takes over and is such a natural.
It is amazing how much love he has for her.

I am looking forward to this week and have been blessed with a very happy, perfect - latching baby!  

She has been sleeping from 8 or 9 p.m. to about 1:30, waking for a quick feeding then wakes up again around 5:30 a.m. for another feeding.  
We are so lucky!  (SO FAR)

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