Yesterday, we headed to the doc for Olivia's shots and somehow I got roped into to getting two myself (flu and h1n1)!  

Olivia was given her three boosters, the H1N1 and the Flu shot.  I was unsure if she was able to get them at exactly 6mo. but my, very trusted doctor, said it was completely appropriate.

She has five band-aids on her little legs.  Last night we stuck her in her little bouncer and she was kicking and bouncing around, so she must not notice the soreness, like I do on my arms.  (Who's the real baby? Yuk, Yuk, Yuk.

She is in the 95th percentile for height, measuring in at 28" inches, this means she is TALL.  She weighs a healthy 17lbs 14oz. and head measuring at 16".

Quick fact:  Over the last 6 months she has grown 7", packed on 10lbs 7 oz. and her melon expanded 4". 

She is doing very well and we were told at about 7 months (January) to start feeding her "Gerber 2 foods".... I am not excited about this, as there is meat in it and it makes me want to gag just thinking about it.  I guess I'll have to set my issues aside and let her make her own decisions when she is good and able.
Until then, our little chunky monkey will be dining on veggies and bamama's.


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