Tuesday night we went to JC P for some photos and about 9:00 p.m. we left the mall.  Immediately after, I started having really sharp pains in my lower back and innards.  I burst into tears and demanded that we head to Urgent Care for help!  It was an unexplainable flank pain so I just knew someone had to check it out.
Our first stop was West Health, where they did some lab work (urine and blood) only to tell me that they couldn't do anything for me as the ultrasound tech had left.  They called and reserved a spot at North Memorial E.R. and insisted that I get there asap, as there was no waiting.
Our Second stop - North Memorial "repulsive emergency room"....  by this time I was nearly bent over in pain and "crawled" into the e.r.  I was handed a beeper and told to sit and wait for it to go off.  Rob just dropped me off because neither of us felt it was appropriate for Livi to sit in there, plus it was past 10 and she would have been terribly crabby.  
I just about died when a huge man came out of the waiting room walked right by me and let out this obnoxiously loud and smelly burp.  Then as I turned my head to avoid the thrash I see a man viciously swinging his arms around talking about how he had just knocked someone out and he was reenacting his drama.  I was quite disgusted by the sweaty greasy white guy who was enjoying every moment of the story's graphic details.
Then, needless to say, my loving mom and Bill came to my rescue and kept me company while we waited.  As they arrived they too were able to enjoy the company of several braless women, who found it natural to scarf down chips from vending machines as their overflowing bellies bulged from their, again, BRAless tank tops.  Oh, and I simply can't forget to mention the 30 something woman who found it appropriate to be sucking on a baby pacifier.  
Let's just say that I was very tempted to rate my pain as 100 out of 10 and not because of flank pain...  

Anyhow, they called me back after a short wait and I was given a nice gown and sent for a cat scan to see if there was anything to be detected.  We waited about 15 minutes for a result.  Meanwhile, we were startled by a loud rap on the door only to find a very sad Bill waiting for us to retrieve him from the hell of the waiting room.  HA!  We let him in, where he joined us in the private room.  I was so amused at the language between the happy couple....  Bill was so tired and balled his jacket up to prop his head and every few minutes would blurt out, "Huh?, What?"  This, of course, only encouraged my mom's frustration and need to say, "what?  Why do I always need to repeat myself..."  
blah, blah...  I had a few laughs and while it was entertaining, I might just visit the E.R. on my own, next time.  

Anyhow, the results of the scan were normal and they did not find any kidney stones, as previously suspected. They did determine and diagnose me with a kidney infection though.  I was given a rx and instructions for my follow up and released at about 1:00 a.m.  I got home to Mr. tired and we were both ready to hit the sheets.  

This Thanksgiving Holiday, I am thankful for a twice daily dose of Ciprofloxacin.

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