So over the last few weeks I have been noticing a sore mole on the back of my neck.  I thought I'd go in and get it checked out by my doc.  
Yesterday, I headed in to see what he had to say and he told me that he wanted to remove it.  OMG!  I wasn't expecting that and asked how, exactly, this processes is done.  He said, "Oh, it only takes a few minutes and I just inject something to numb the area and take a sharp razor blade and scrape it off."  I nearly fainted hearing the details.  "Then we send in to a lab to see if it is melanoma or not."
He said he'd take it very seriously and have it removed a.s.a.p.  but I just couldn't bring myself to agree to doing the procedure right then and there.  
So, for a little time to prepare myself, I made an appointment on January five, when Olivia gets her boosters for H1N1 and Flu shots.    This way Rob will be able to come with and give her his attention while I undergo my "Surgery"!    

The whole time I was thinking about......

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