Last week Thursday, the three Theisen boy's got another call that Bob had been found breathless and no heartbeat.  They all rushed from their jobs to head up to Garrison.  Meanwhile, Bob was taken into the E.R. and recovered rather quickly.  Apparently, he had been sick with another UTI, which later was determined to be false.  Regardless, the two local boys, Derrick and Rob, rushed to be by his and their mom's side during another scare. 

While Rob was heading home that night, traveling South on 101 towards 94 in Roger, going nearly 70 mph, his axel broke.  He felt an immediate drop in the front of his car and suddenly left him sliding from lane to lane and abruptly stopping by a snowbank partially in the right lane and shoulder. He sounded so shaken when he called to inform me and his hands were shaking still after a few hours of being at home.  He was terrified to stay in his car, as the rear was an easy target for an unattentive driver. and... He didn't want to stand outside because it was COLD, -6!.  He made the best judgement and sat in a tightly buckled carseat just until Derrick was able to rescue him.    While Derrick brought him to Robbinsdale, I arranged for a tow truck to drag the Dodge Avenger to our favorite repair shop, Gregg and Jims, in Golden Valley.  The car was successfully repaired by Friday evening and came with another hefty price!  

They say bad things come in three... Well, who ever they are, they are right! My mom called me about the time Rob was coming home from work, Thursday, and let me know that Bill, my step-dad, had been admitted to Abbott for some trouble with his heart.  He had been working out on Wednesday evening and noticed that his heart rate monitor was showing something odd.  He started to feel very faint and contacted his doctor immediately.  He then was brought to Abbott and admitted to the Cardiac Unit.  They had shock his heart back into a normal rhythm and now is on heavy meds and blood thinners for a undetermined length of time.

THANK HEAVENS there are angels watching over my boys!  Each year/Holiday season we should be thankful and take time to reflect on the good in our lives... This year is very special for Rob and I and we have a great deal to be thankful for. 

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