Rob and I have been carefully discussing the fate of Cody and Bo.  We are very interested in getting back some "free" time and with working full-time,  running a licensed childcare and having a 10 month old, we just don't give the boys the attention they deserve.  I feel badly each day that they are cooped up in cages or the garage when kids are here and more so in the evenings when we are pooped and don't take them on the walks they so enjoy.   Even though I feel like the worlds biggest HYPOCRITE, we've been debating what we should do and decided to post an ad on Craig's List to see if anyone was interested.  We had tons of hits but mostly for our hunting dog - Bo.  We thought it be best if we kept them together because they are so co-dependent.   Once we started our screening process, we went to Savage to meet with a family (Mike and Jill) that recently had to put their springer down.  They had their pup for 15 years and wanted to adopt two dogs this time.  They are and incredibly nice couple and have a 20 year old son in college now.  They have a nice fenced in backyard, take walks every evening and are devoted to family pets.  We've selected them to adopt the pooches and are incredibly grateful for them.  We have worked out and "open-adoption" and Rob will continue to take Bo pheasant hunting whenever he wants, we will be able to visit when time allows and when they go on vacations we will have the dogs for a week or so.   They've promised to keep us posted on any life events and periodic photos.  Really, this couldn't have worked out any better for all of us.  The official adoption day will be Friday April 16th and I'll try to remember a box of kleenex. 

Here is a little timeline of our lives together. 
April 2006, we picked up Cody from S. Minneapolis when he was 11 weeks old.  He grew nearly 20 lbs every 2 months until he maxed out at 100lbs.  He's been so lovie and tried to be a lap dog since the day he came home.  He loves food, rawhides and food!  He tries to be a gentle giant, but just doesn't know his own strength.  He  LOVES kids and would lick them all day.  

Only 6 months later we were at the Game Fair in Ramsey and stumbled upon a little litter of springers.  I couldn't walk away.  Bo came home and thought his 6 month older brother was his mommy and they've slept on top or each other nearly every night of their lives.  Bo is a great hunter and loves the outdoors.  He could care less about food unless Cody is trying to steal his.  He is an incredibly gentle pup and very independent.  He loves kids and anyone who will throw his tennis ball.  He will be missed most by Rob as he has claimed bo to be his favorite pooch ever. 

It will be sad looking around our yard with out little/big tails wiggling and Olivia growing up without the dogs but it will provide them and us with more of what we need on a daily basis.
10/19/2010 12:29:36 pm

Body will be bathed in a drop of rain, the sun ray will be a thorough heart of life and more like the attitude that ah! We should have a thankful heart.

10/25/2010 07:26:30 pm

A crane discount for you,Let trouble from you, One thousand rose to you, Let you love yourself, One thousand lucky stars to you, Let the good luck surround you, A thousand COINS happy for you, Let you find time to be in a good mood.


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