HOLY crap!  I can't believe we are now the parents of a preschooler.    Little Olivia was just a tiny 7.7 lbs and now she's got her "running shoes" on, a back pack, and all kinds of sparkly adventure in her eyes!   

The night before school, I held her.  I sat in her room, crying, holding, and telling her stories of when she was so tiny.  Of course, this made me really cry. She asked me why I was so sad.  I attempted to explain "happy tears".   Not sure if she can wrap her little mind around it but she settled for my explanation.   Rob came in to check on us after my long, extremely drawn out bedtime routine.   He didn't seem too bothered by her heading to school the next day but how could he be?  He has not been at home with her since 6.1.2009.  For the first time, ever, I really felt like I was abandoning her.  We have been very lucky to have such amazing people; G'ma/G'pa Flanary and two awesome neighborhood girls who love our kids as much as we do taking care of them when we are on the go.   So, for me, this was a HUGE adjustment.  While it was 100% me pushing Olivia into preschool, I was the one who was terrified and nervous.  

The morning of, we flitted in and out of many rooms getting bathed, dressed, and polished.  I tend to have this crabby side that comes out when I am feeling pressure. I am sure it is normal but by the time everything is done and we are walking out of the door everyone seems a little on edge because of my mood.  Don't judge - I am working on it.   I do know my own faults and tried very hard to stay calm that day for Olivia.  I didn't want her feeling any pressure.  I wanted this to be extremely exciting and fun.  So, I kept my cool and rolled with it.  Things worked out just fine, as the tend to do...... 

I left Grant at home with Grandma and took my little beauty to school.  It was pretty surreal.  I glanced back at her about a thousand times and watched her fidget with her  pretty new bracelets through the rearview mirror.   I asked her a couple of times how she was feeling.  She didn't say anything about it just asked me to turn the "muzegick" up.  PERFECT TIMING - our favorite dance party song was on!    Maybe you've heard it - Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen.   Olivia and I wiggled, giggled and laughed the entire 3 minutes 20 seconds.  

When we arrived at school, she jumped out of the car and followed lots of other kids into the building.  She was very excited to see the busses.   We walked in and she reached up for my hand.  Her tiny soft fingers wrapped around my pointer finger was such an amazing feeling.  Power of touch is real people.      This little independent girl, who I've been wishing off to school really, really needed me.  I started to tear up.  To prolong the process, I took her to the bathroom.  She said she didn't need to go but I insisted and left her to play in the sink for a bit.  Once the roar of voices filled the halls I figured it was time to head to class.   We held hands again down the hall and filled out her name tag.  What a big girl - she wrote it all by herself!   I got pretty nervous as another mom ran out of a nearby class and flew by us.  I wasn't sure what the deal was but then I heard her son fall to the floor and beg for his mom to come back.  The sounds of that little boy still echo in my head.  I was SO TERRIFIED that Olivia would be distracted and feel like I was leaving her too.   SO, I tried to focus and reminded her that we'd be back at lunch to pick her up.  She was like, "okay, okay, use your inside voice!"   Well, slap in the face - I got it.  My kid is cool with this and I am the one pulling her back.    I walked her up to the teacher, gave her the immunization records while Olivia headed right into the class.  There was an instant barrier between us.  I was in the hall, she was in class and Mrs. Boden was between us asking her to go in and me to exit the building.  I looked at Olivia and she was pale.  She was playing with her fingers again, looking pretty worried.  I waved her in and said things would be okay.  She looked at the class then back at me.  My heart dropped.  I was feeling overwhelmed, choked up, and wanted to sweep her up into my arms to take her home.   I didn't  - but -  I did call her out to the hall and planted a huge kiss on her cheek.  I told her I loved her sooooo much and I'd see her at lunch.   She headed back in to the class and stared at me.  I waved her in once more and walked away.  
Instantly, I started balling.  I felt so sick to my stomach - like nothing I have ever felt before.   I got to the car and imagined her face as she turned back to see me but I would have vanished.  What would she think?  How would she feel?  I had to call Rob  and cried to him.   

When I got home, I saw my mom and Grant.  I lost it again.  I cried and my mom said, "I knew you would!".....  Yeah - "So did I!"    
The hours passed and before I knew it I had a call from Olivia.  Grandma picked her up and took her to lunch.  On the phone Olivia announced, "I didn't have any fun."  I asked her if she'd go back on Thursday and she said, "NO, I didn't have any fun."  I asked her why not.  Her reply, "I had to stop playing".  At orientation, the teacher said she'd ring a bell when it was time for the kids to stop playing and they'd have to put their hands up in the air sans toys.  This would give them the reminder of their next activity.  I assume this is what she was getting at.   Anyway, my mom took the phone back and explained that Olivia was the classroom helper that day and the teacher really enjoyed having her in class.  Olivia seems to be pulling my leg a bit..... 

Thursday she went to class, totally fine.  Today class was "SUPER FUN, mama".... It seems like things are working out just fine for all of us!  :) 

Here are just a few images from the day - click to enlarge.  I still can't believe she is a preschooler!

And a few more (from her second week!)

Who can resist such a cutie patootie in a pig hat and leg warmers?  Gotta love this spunky gal!  

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