
Happy Father's Day to you!  We celebrated Rob's FIRST Father's day by enjoying a couple of hours with our friend Hillary!  She came into town and spent some time with Olivia.  

Then, Rob was gifted some new clothes and a TWINS jersey with DAD and the number 61, for Olivia's birthday of June 1 and some tickets for the father's day game.  We dropped Olivia off at Grandma's and had some quality and much needed "us" time.  At the game, we saw 2 very new babies, ones that were easily a week or so of ours.  It was a little disturbing seeing such little ones there, as we were sitting in the first rows on the 3rd base line.  Several balls came that way, in fact a guy sitting just seats from us caught a home run ball!   

We also got to sit by some very opinionated men that were really on my last nerve by the end of the game and we were by a kid that got physically sick in the seats below us.  The smell was terrible and by the looks, he ate too many hot dogs!  I can assure you, even if I do eat meat someday, it will NEVER be a dome dog!  

Never the less, we had a great time and ran into Rob's Uncle Dave and 2nd cousin Andre, pictured.

After the game, we picked Olivia up and made our first trip to see Grandpa Theisen.  It was our first visit there, since we had her and we passed Kevin in the parking lot and saw uncle Derek in the room.  It was nice to see that all of the boys and their families were able to spend time with Bob.   Sadly, this place isn't nearly the facility I would have imagined.  Bob should have lots of motivation to work hard in physical therapy and get the heck out of there.

Olivia was greeted by grandpa and he teared up and said that she was beautiful!  I wouldn't have expected anything less.  Grandpa has been waiting very patiently to meet her.  Rob and I were advised not to bring her up to see him too early as they are both at risk for infection. 

After a nice visit with Bob, we went back over to grandma and grandpa Flanary's for dinner with Aunt Kelley, Uncle Mark and all the Person cousins and uncles, Scott and Mike.  It was lovely and by 8 p.m. we were beat!  It was time for bed! 

Grandma Flanary
6/22/2009 12:57:19 pm

How fun to read your updates!!!


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