After hunting up North this weekend, Rob was to return to the cities and go locally again on Monday.  But on such an amazing fall day, he decided to skip hunting and spend the day with Olivia and I!  I guess you could say he spent time with his dear, rather than his deer!  It was GREAT to spend the day outdoors, as a family, and take long walks!  This was a much needed relaxing day for all of us and something that doesn't happen too frequently!  

The last seven days have flown by!  We have been very busy with family, friends and holiday prep.  
Last week, I attended another "girls night out" and once again enjoyed every moment!  My sister-in-law organized a nail/wine night and I just couldn't resist going for a pedi!  While relaxing, Rob had a little daddy time and Olivia when I returned home she was sleeping on his chest.  Ohhhhh, so cute! 

Over the weekend, Rob went up North (Garrison) for deer hunting.  He also got to spend some family time with his parents and brothers.  Bob's 71st birthday was on Friday (6th) and Bob and Kathy celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary on the 8th!  

The 8th marks another day of celebration, this one, for my step-dad Bill, who turned 61. All the grandkids were over and we enjoyed cake and great conversation.

Olivia and grandma flanary got to spend some one-on-one time together on Saturday while I met up with some gal pals for lunch and shopping!  I had a great time and picked out Olivia's holiday dress.  Keep your eyes open for some upcoming photos!  

This week is starting off very quickly and I didn't even realize it was Tuesday already!  
We have a week full of friends, dinners, date nights and baby showers.  

On a side note: 
Rob has taken my advice and gone to see my chiropractor for some much needed adjustments.  I have been seeing the dr. since the arrival of Olivia.  During our delivery, I broke my tailbone and suffered from some pretty sore joints and lower back pain.  Obviously, Rob has issues from other circumstances but, needless to say when you sleep on the floor because your back hurts, it is time to seek some assistance.  
Last night marks his first time and after he stood up from his adjustment I could see his pain vanish!  He was so amazed and said that he had never felt more relieved!  We have scheduled several more, for both of us, and look forward to more success.

Enjoy the rest of your week and enjoy the amazing weather!

This weekend was full of Halloween fun and lots of time with grandparents!  
Saturday I headed back to Monticello for a funeral.  This was for a man that I graduated with and he had been suffering from pain in his life.  Sadly, he decided to stop it.
It was a very sad day for many people and it was incredibly sad to have a class reunion under such circumstances.

Soon after the reviewal and funeral I headed to meet my dad for a visit.  It was really nice to see him in such good spirits!  He absolutely loves seeing Olivia and I am trying to get up to Monti more frequently for some bonding time.

Olivia's head grew heavy like an over sized Dahlia and drifted off to sleep. This was our time to head back to MPLS and get ready for the evening.  
I got home to find Rob cleaning the garage and raking the leaves.  I was so glad because I have been simply avoiding doing it and was glad to find him motivated!  He also found a little time to become a mechanic and change the brakes in his car...  apparently he has never had to do the rear ones and his car is a 98.  

So, we got all ready for the evening and headed over to grandma and grandpa Flanary's for a little trick-or-treating.  On our way out, the door bell started to ring and we stood very still as if there were an animal ready to pounce.  We were desperately trying to avoid all the kiddies in the neighborhood in search of sugary treats.

We carefully drove to the Flanary's (tons of kids were out) and when we arrived g'pa was consumed by the Gopher's game and grannie wanted to tour the city with Olivia.  She had several spots we had to go and show her off.  It was a nice time and glad I was able to see some of my mom's neighbors and friends... BUT it was nearing 9:00 and we were planning to be at our friend's party around 8.  Let's just say Olivia had meet her quota and we were unable to spend much time at our party.  Oh well.

Sunday we drove to Garrison to see grandma Theisen and visited gramps at the nursing home.  Grandma was very excited to see Olivia - it had been nearly 2 months since her last visit.  Rob's friend Sorin met us up there and the boys headed into the woods to find the perfect spot for their deer stands.  Yep, it is that time again! 
After they finished their hunt, we headed to see Bob and he looked GREAT!  Even Kathy (Rob's mom) said that this was the best she had seen him in a really long time.  He was so attentive, remembered that Kevin and family (Rob's brother) were recently there visiting and so on.  He was skinnier than I have ever seen him to be and Kathy mentioned he has lost over 80 lbs.  Honestly, Bob could have lost a few but now he is an entirely different guy!  I think he might get some hand-me-downs from Rob soon!
Next Friday (11/6) will be his 71st b-day and just last year all the kids and families got together for a bash in his honor!  I am so glad we were able to pull it off and everyone was able to be there for him.  In fact, that was the night Rob and I made our big announcement about Olivia... So weird that one year ago, I was 9 weeks pregnant!

We wrapped things up and said our good byes and headed home.  It became quite the day as we didn't get home until 8p.m.

Well, I hope everyone had a lovely holiday and looking forward to more coming quickly!