Happy Birthday to you, 
Happy Birthday to you, 
Happy Birthday dear GRANDPA!!!! 
Happy Birthday to yoooooooouuuuuuuuuu!

My wonderful dad's 55th birthday was June 15th and he has hit the big 55!
We are planning a BIG Surprise party for him on Friday, so please make sure to call me if you need details!  BUT DON'T TELL HIM!!!  ( I am able to post this ONLY because he is not computer savy!!!) 
Rob and I celebrated the anniversary of our first dinner date back on the 10th and were able to enjoy a baby free evening, courtesy of granny ree!  We had a silly time, like the first one, and asked each other the "first date" kind of questions all over again.  Although, this seems a little sappy, it was quite interesting and entertaining as our lives are evolving into a lovely family and marriage.  
Just so you know, I knew the moment I saw him that I wanted him but never would have guessed he'd prove to be such an amazing husband and father!  Thanks for all the laughs and memories, you are the best man for me!
As you may know, Rob and I have been putting a new fresh spin on our kitchen and we are now completely done with the counters and cabinets.  Our next project is to put a microwave over our stove to add a tad bit more room to our space.  My uncle Don is an electrician and a good laugh, so I've asked him to help us out with this one.  
He and his wife (auntie Judy) came by on Monday to check out the project and see what we are getting ourselves into.   With a house built in the late forties and no electrical updates since, we are looking at doing a little updating.... But have no fear, Uncle Don was here!  

: ) 

We've got a plan and I just need to have our cabinets cut to fit a microwave and Don will be back for a little re-wiring.

Thanks - for all your help!  BUUUUURP

Hillary and I headed to the newest Sex and the City movie and boy, was that a hoot!  
I've been reading mixed reviews but I really had a nice time.  It was funny and I hardly realized how long it actually was.  We went to the 6:15 showing and it was 9:08 when we were heading out.  
Thanks, Hilly for another fun evening!
And the raspberry Icee!  ; ) 
WOW!  A whole year passed and we are officially entering TODDLER time!  Miss O has changed so much over the past year and, like most parents, are incredibly proud! 

We decided to take the day off from work and bring our little monkey to the Zoo.  Hillary came with us to celebrate and we had an incredibly fun time.  It started to rain a little, which cut our day short - but it was still super nice to have an extra day with the family after a long weekend.

BUT first, we headed to the doc that morning for a little check up and some 12 month shots.   I was pretty nervous that she'd recognize the setting and realize what was happening.  Of course, she did!  She watched the nurse like a hawk and was very still and quite as she poked and checked Olivia out.  Once the shots were ready, Olivia knew what was up and got very scared.  Obviously, she was fine in a matter of moments, but it was really hard to see her get so pale and scared.  Poor little girl.

Her stats were a little surprising - she has now dropped to the 50th percentile for weight (must be all that walking) she is a lovely 21 lbs.  Her height is still going strong and remains in the 90th percentile.   

I've posted a few photos of the office visit below, but check out the other pages for ones from the Zoo.  
She was mad!
Over Memorial weekend, Rob, Olivia and I headed to Fort Ripley with our friends, Mike and Erin.  The weekend was incredibly relaxing and just a great time with two very nice friends.  
Miss Olivia took advantage of Mike's open arms and each morning strolled down a hallway to find him relaxing in the recliner.  She'd reach out to him for a little snuggle time.

We took several rollerblading trips around their lake, grilled and all the other long weekend kind of stuff.

Take a look at some of the photos - we are looking forward to another trip back.

Rob really hit it off with Erin's dad, Howard, and we are discussing heading back for a little spear fishing this winter.

Mike and Olivia looking for gophers