It is OFFICIAL!  We have a TWO year old!  She is giggly, cuddly, stubborn, persistent, funny, beautiful and naughty all bundled into one VERY cute little girl!    
Our sweet, bald baby girl has grown so fast! From 7lbs. 7oz., 21" she's transformed into a 27.5lbs., 33" beauty... she is just perfect!
She's counting to 6 - skipping to 18, reciting the alphabet: a, b, c, d, (pause) f, ggggg!  Swinging her hips with every tune, loving her baby "gant" - always asking if he is "hungin" (hungry).  Even trying to make her own attempts at feeding him (see below)!

On her birthday (June 1st) we celebrated with lots of projects (painting and coloring), dinner out and a very delicious cup cake!    

Daddy picked up her presents this year, and make quite the impression; a Dora fishing pole and a tent!  So, to put her new items to use, we headed up to "gama" Theisen's house to fish and camp!  Miss Olivia reeled her pole yelling, "Gotch ya" for hours!  Daddy and I convinced gama to watch our little guy so we could take our darling down to uncle Warren's dock for her very first fishing trip!  She was tickled pink holding daddy's hand all the way down the dock and watching her throw that first cast was priceless!  Our little lady was SO amazed at all the fish Rob's cousin's had caught.  Daddy even bought me a new PINK fishing pole.  It is so girly and even lights up when you crank the reel.  While I do enjoy flashy and sparkly things, this might be a bit too much, even for me!   BUT, I know it will be MY rod and don't have to worry about daddy taking it from me.  : ) 

We had a wonderful visit and baby Grant slept longer and harder than ever.  I think the fresh air, snuggling and attention wore him out.  It is just too bad he didn't keep that all night sleep habit once we returned home.     When we got home, we did find a cute little army worm - Olivia got right down in its path yelling "HI!" over and over.  She even guided it back onto the cement as it attempted to get lost in our tall grass.  I just LOVE that our little gal is cutsie, loves her pretties and purses all the while being able to play with bugs, catching softballs with her very own glove and now taking up fishing!  She is a well rounded gal and we are some very proud parents!

This is my last week of a 3 week maternity!  It has been filled with lunch dates, snuggle time, lounging, client meetings - I've booked 2 more weddings, scheduled 6 engagement sessions and a family session, new enrollments for child care and just a little mommy only hammock time....  While I am bit sad that I only allowed myself three weeks, I am VERY excited for what is to come!  I am SO PUMPED, refreshed and eager to get back to business!
No, those are not my legs! : )
She's so determined to help feed the baby!

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